The ride went smoothly up until the very end as we were pulling into the town where my husband grew up. Suddenly my youngest son burst into tears. Something about "He smasomsooed me..." yeah, I didn't quite get it either. BUT jumping in to save the day was my glorious daughter.
She said, "You have to stop crying because I have a story to tell you!" She is famous for making up spur of the moment stories.
He didn't buy it...the tears kept flowing.
"But it's a really good story," she reasoned with him.
"It's a about a Penguin, a Tomato, and Electricity."

He was silenced.
As was I...
*** UPDATE - See comment section for actual story ***
hahaaa! Your kids sound adorable. What a good big sister. :-)
I'm afraid that the tomato gets struck by lightning and turns into some sort of super evil genius tomato!
She is a good big sister...MOST of the time :)
And no, I think the penguin got struck by lightening. I can't quite remember and the story got cut short when we arrived at our destination.
But there is nothing better than a story about a tomato who talks...I mean come on... Bob the Tomato!!!
Wow, this sounds like Scheherazade from 1001 Nights! She's a born storyteller.
I spent 10.5 hours in the car with my kids yesterday, coming back from Memphis. What a day!
Mystery Writing is Murder
What adorable kids!
Lucky you :)
I just busted out laughing. Seriously, she should write that story. Can you imagine the hook?
Editor: So tell me, what's your story about?
Writer: a penguin, a tomato, and electricity.
Nobody can knock her for her lack of originality and creativity.
Love it!
Hey where's the story? You can't tease us like that! ;)
I'm with T. Anne! You have to at least summarize her story for us! Sounds super cute! And what is it with kids and penguins? Mine love penguins too.
Ok ok...
So once upon a time there was a penguin who was friends with a tomato. And the tomato could talk. (Of course! What tomato can't talk...mine do all the time!...sorry I'll stop commenting) So the penguin was a construction worker and one day he climbed a latter and got struck by lightening.
And the story ended there because we reached our destination...but there was quite a bit of high pitched dialogue involved. (Because we can't narrate a story without high pitched dialogue in my house for some reason!)
But seriously Katie...I'm pretty sure this story has never been done before! She may be on to something!!!
And Elizabeth my sympathies are with you, I spent about 6 hours in the car with the kids over the entire weekend. That was MORE than enough for me :)
Oops...signed in as my husband for a minute there. Regard comment above as my own!
Boys!!!Always signing us out of our websites. How dare them ;)
Oh I'm concerned for the penguin. I hope he has good insurance coverage.
Oh I was so ready for the story to follow and then......nothing!
I hope you plan on sharing this with all of us tomorrow? This is worse than season finales cliff hangers. Don't make us wait until next season begins???
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Oh's in the comments section...sorry :) LOL
You realize you have a future best-selling author on your hands, don't you? Cute!
Too cute. Write it down for her. That way when she's 19 and ready to leave home, you can display it for her as a reminder of once upon a time. :]
This is awesome! Thanks for making me smile. :D
ooooo....I love electricity...especially lightening!
I'm not sure which is more entertaining....her story or some of your comments :)
I LOVE lightening too Sherrinda. Well anything to do with Thunderstorms and Rain really...
You're welcome Danyelle! Anytime!
Jill, I have a feeling she's going to get published before I do!
Great idea Tara!
She is gifted! :)
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