So I shall be spending the day catching up on some massive cleaning today because well...although my house "looks" the corners and crevices there are little crumbs and dust and possibly a little piddle around the toilets that super needs to be removed. Sigh...
And the laundry...ahh the blessed (ok well that wasn't QUITE the word I was looking for) laundry. Fold Fold Fold till the cows come home.
Might as well add in a lovely 5 course dinner for my husband tonight because I am gonna go all domestic on this bizach and he'll think I'm from colonial times with how perfect and organized his abode is when he gets home.
Ya know what....I MIGHT even shower before 11 today. (That's a big might kids, let's not go over board)
So this is what I will be doing today while you are all missing me for the ...what is it now? Third Day? in a row on the internet. If anyone has ANY excuses as to why I should NOT be able to clean my house and fold laundry and cook big fantastic meals today PLEASE feel free to leave them in the comments. Excuses are highly encouraged!
And what are your plans on this horrible ... I mean Lovely Thursday?

My, that's a lovely attitude for a Thursday! You're just lucky Bejeweled Blitz is still down . . . because that's the best excuse of all not to do the laundry or cook your husband a five course meal. BTW, what are you cooking?? : )
I am getting caught up on laundry and taking it easy today. I blitzed the house yesterday and have little things to finish off tomorrow since my man's parents will be arriving Saturday afternoon.
So, today I have to rest since I didn't sleep well last night aaaaand I really earned a sit on bum day yesterday. Can't think of any excuses for you but...just think of how much better you will feel when it's all done :D
Ugh! No fun. I despise cleaning. I have to go to my classroom today and get things ready. Blah!
I've already ruined the plans I did have today, so I'm not planning on doing anything! Apparently, I just ignore plans; I'm going to live life based on whims from now on...and I'd currently appreciate a shower, so off I go!
I'm with you, I hate cleaning too!
I'm right there with you sister! *sigh* Hi ho, Hi ho...
Here's my excuse: School is going to be gearing up in a couple of weeks, which means I can't clean today. I have to take the kids to a park, to the zoo, etc., because once school starts, vacation is over. Feel free to use it. :]
I am still awaiting that house of the future. You know the ones that the Jetson's promised us on cartoons so long ago.
It would self clean itself, never be messy, clothes would simply self sort, and be cleaned in one simple click of a button and for dinner, well we had Rosie the robot.
So just when is that house going to be built???
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
blech. have fun.
Well, it's friday night where I am and I have just kicked back with a glass of wine and the kids are in bed. So I hope your friday turns out just as nice!
Wait! What? You mean there isn't a cleaning gnome or fairy for these jobs? Awww man!
Love this.
Somehow, when I am confronted with a pile of laundry, I think I am the only one so cursed. And it is always nice to be reminded that I am not alone.
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