Mar 23, 2009

Monday ... Bleck ...

It's Monday...need I say more? It must be something about Monday that instills upon us the assumption it is going to be a bad day? In reality, it hasn't actually been a bad day at all. But I'm still not feeling it. So kids, let me save us all the misery. I'll blog tomorrow, possibly about sunshine, rainbows and ponies. Although doubtful.....I mean who really wants to hear all the things that can shine from our.........


Anonymous said...

Right now, not even a shiny, rainbow pony would make me hate this Monday any less. love the someecard :)

Unknown said...

I like shiny things....but I agree. Bleck to Monday's! This one in particular. Sorry you are having a crap day as well :(

Tana said...

I've yet to hear reports of a stelar Monday, now Tuesday....there's hope for that day. ;)

Anonymous said...

Mondays suck, but at least I got the blog fixed. :-)

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