Mar 29, 2009

Cha Cha Cha Changes!!!

What a great song. Personally I don't think David Bowie when I hear that song, I think of Shrek. Tell tale sign ... I'm a mom! Still, my Dear Husband insisted Davie Bowie was the way to go. And since Dear Husband is the inspiration behind my newest change, I indulged him.

What is the change you ask? (NO I am NOT pregnant!!! Why do people always make that assumption first? I have 3 children for goodness sake! That is more than enough for crazy me to handle!)

My new change involves my novel. After discussing, trying to rewrite a scene in my manuscript, and MORE discussing, I have decided to move an entire chapter. AN ENTIRE CHAPTER!!! (And you were going to tell me I wasn't crazy a moment ago weren't you?) Here I thought the revisions on my first draft would be all grammar and spelling. Oh no, this is Marybeth we are talking about....Break out the full plot changes and chapter moving. No need to keep it simple or anything. That would be way too easy! Who would want to leave all the pain and suffering to the query letter alone?

Tell me dear friends. Have you ever made a large change like this after you considered your novel to be complete? Was it as thrilling for you as it is for me? Did you find yourself thoroughly questioning your own sanity as I am now? :) Lay it on me kids.


Tana said...

I admire that. Rather than feeling stuck you took control of the situation. Good job.

Crystal said...

HAHA! I also think of Shrek when I hear that song...also pretty much any song by Smash Mouth is known as "that one Shrek song!"

As for the novel...good for you! And WTG Tobby for helping!

Hilabeans said...

To answer your question, yes, yes, and absolutely. I question my sanity on a regular basis, but isn't that intrinsic to being a writer? :)
Love the Bowie pic - reminds me of Labyrinth.

Cathie said...

I am just trying to write!

Unknown said...

I'm old, I remember Bowie's tune, but not for the Shrek reference. As for questioning my sanity, that's mandatory. I, too, have the three kids...enough said. Way to grab the bull by the horns, Mary!

Unknown said...

Yes I was trying to decipher if my insanity was indeed caused by being a writer, a woman, or if I am able to blame it all on the DH and's all so up in the air!

Jenny Penny said...

YES! Now, THAT'S what serious revisioning is really about! (I'm serious!)

I, too, thought you were pregnant, based on something someone wrote over on FB to you. Whew for you!

Unknown said...

My goodness!!! Husbands are good for more than just "THAT"....sigh... I must watch my status updates from now on...that's the second time I've been accused of being impregnated.

Anonymous said...

I'm a writer, too, and I've not only moved chapters, I've changed GENRES!

Unknown said...

OMG...well luckily I haven't a clue as to what Genre my book is yet. But it still sounds like a BUNCH of work. Hope it payed off in the long run!!! :D