While voting for my favorite "Why writing is like American Idol" entry, I see the most disturbing comment ever.
WHO IS MCDREAMY??!! Well I couldn't just leave a fellow blogging friend in the dark. I felt compelled. I felt inspired. I would be the savior. I would inform this poor, unfortunate, non Grey's Anatomy watching child about the greatest man to ever walk the earth. (Right next to Edward Cullen of course...)
I LOVE this video. It's only from the first season, but it's got "The Look", and that is to die for.
So you ask, "Who is McDreamy?". May I suggest seasons 1 thru 3 for the best description? You'll be hooked immediately! PROMISE!
Did this help? Are there any questions? I could continue to describe with words...but words just can't do him justice :D
I'm eager to see who the winner will be! I'm confused about something... maybe I'm out of the loop here - but who is McDreamy?? If someone could enlighten me, that would be awesome!