My reading has abruptly been brought to a halt with one of the best weeks of the year ... right next to Season Finale Week of course.
So here is my schedule for the week.
Monday - Last night I took part in the House and Castle season premiers. I've never been much of a House fan...but I needed to pass the time until Castle came on and I must say... it was good. BUT not AS good as Castle. Come on fellow writer friends, admit it, Castle has got to be one of THE BEST shows ever for us novelists. And come on...isn't this boy cuter than all cute!!!!

Moving along....
Tuesday - This is the day I get to read ... the ONLY day
Wednesday - Ok well this night had its premiers a couple nights ago, but you can bet I'll be glued to FOX for a little So You Think You Can Dance and GLEE ... so that I can spend some time looking at...and listening to....

(Are you seeing the pattern here???)
But THEN happiness REALLY happens ... because ...
THURSDAY!!! GREY'S ANATOMY BABY! Ok I know I know ... this one is obvious! Um Hello!

But ACTUALLY I'm really into the show. I've watched it since the first episode. I feel it is my duty to watch ALL the episodes.
Ok so Friday and Saturday...well those days are not for tv or reading (although I'll probably be caught doing one or the other because I'm pretty lame like that, but lets pretend I'm not for a day)
So then we skip to ...
Sunday - a few little treats that night too. Desperate Housewives and Brothers and Sisters!
Where I can see a couple of these.....

So who what will you be watching this week?
I watched House and Castle last nigh too. Neither dissapointed at all. And, yes, I do gravitate to liking Castle more because of the writing factor for sure. But considering this episode of House, I think we'll be in for a neat gradual shift in House's character. I don't think he'll ever be a nice guy, but maybe a little less harsh. I hope at least.
Well, I've gotta defend my House. :-) Castle just started, this is House's fifth? season? So... the hooks might be a little different.
I can't wait to watch the House premier!!! Haven't seen it yet, waiting for them to post it on the internet. LOL
I'm enjoying "Castle" much more than I thought I would. It's probably because of the writing aspect. Very fun!!!
I need to find some new shows! I always come into a series too late and then don't know what's going on (Grey's Anatomy, Lost, Desperate Housewives.) I need to find a sure hit and watch it from the beginning! With Lost, I did finally end up watching the back episodes online. So many people raved over the show.
Mystery Writing is Murder
Since House and Heroes premieres were on last night, we watched one and taped the other. I have been watching them both since their infancy.
I too love Grey's, especially for all the love those neurosurgeons eyes can give. Thinking George is going to die while Izzie will get another shot at life. Your thoughts?
Loving Hell's Kitchen because its is so nice watching someone else get yelled at for a change and looking forward to the new Fast Forward show. Survivor is always a must as well!
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Well, I love Dancing with the Stars. That's on Monday and Tuesday usually. This week it's on Wednesday too. Glee on Wednesday. 90210 on Monday. So You Think You Can Dance. Castle on Monday. Heroes on Monday. Survivor on Thursday. Lots to enjoy on TV these days.
I'm glad Heroes is back. I'm also looking forward to Sanctuary and Stargate Universe.
Eileen I agree, I think it will definitely be an interesting year for House.
So don't worry Jessica...I think I may have been converted!
Kristen I totally think the writing aspect draws me in the most.
Elizabeth ... well Castle is still pretty new... Glee is REALLY new, you are only behind like 3 episodes. And there are a few new ones coming out this year that look good. But I'm trying not to add to my line up!
Kat, well the word on the street (aka TV Guide) is that George is gone, he didn't renew his contract and Izzy is good, but they are not sure how long she will be back. And Hells Kitchen is super entertaining, it just conflicts with other stuff.
Elana I was HOOKED on Dancing with the Stars last season. Loved it. I used to watch Heroes, but only the first season.
Tara I haven't seen Sanctuary or Stargate Universe...what are they about?
I only watch The Office and So You Think You Can Dance. The Office I actually wait until it comes out on DVD so I don't have to sit through the commercials! Have fun with your premiers!
Oh I can't wait for Grey's and DH!
so i'm watching glee's second episode (b/c i missed it at conference) on hulu...and loving it so much! haven't checked out castle...wonder how many epis i'd have to watch to get caught up? anyway...i like the way you watch TV. :)
The Character Therapist
Mmm-mmm-mmm, I am loving Castle. :) I also enjoy DWTS and SYTYCD. That's about it. Oh, and sometimes I like Smallville (I enjoy the Lois/Clark factor). While I love to jump into the new season of shows, it takes up writing time. :(
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