I wasn't too into this summer. I enjoyed the warm weather. I enjoyed my central air a bit more though. It was my first year with central air and I took advantage of it at every moment possible. Because we were so

In essence, it kinda feels like summer didn't really happen. This year has absolutely flown by.
Sill, I can't explain how excited I am for the fall season. I adore the things that come with fall, apples, pumpkins, apple cider, sweaters, colored leaves, etc. I'm interested to see what takes place in the new city I lived in. As a child I can remember going to the sa

So how do you feel about the early arrival of falling leaves?
No Fall here yet. Still in the 90's.
I LOVE fall. It's my favorite season. Unfortunately Florida feels like a perpetual summer with two months of cold that's not quite winter and not quite autumn. Today is pretty cool though, so I'm hoping fall is on its way. :-)
Fall is my favorite season. It's the perfect temperature AND it doesn't rain every day or involve allergy- inducing plants in bloom.
Technically, it was fall on September 22... and tomorrow is October afterall! I don't think people can complain about weather being in the 50's when tomorrow is October 1. I mean, Autumn shouldn't just start in November. That's unnatural! And autumn just happens to be my favorite of seasons, so I'm completely pleased with the weather this week. A little less rain during the times I want to walk my dog would be nice, but otherwise, the clouds and rain and chilly weather are all welcome!! :)
I'm grateful for the Fall weather to hit. There will be no jumping from Summer to Winter this year! We seem to have teetered back and forth between Summer & Fall weather (before diving head first into Winter) in the past few years. I saw some leaves changing in July and was worried that we'd be practically leaping over the Fall season. September 22nd is officially the beginning of Autumn. :)
Love fall too! I can't get over how cute that picture of the giant pumpkins is!! I hoped you framed that one!!!
I love all the seasons, particularly the beginning of each! I love cozying up in sweatshirts and pants too. Can't wait to turn the fireplace on.
I prefer warm weather, but I ADORE Halloween, so I'm torn. Torn, I tell you!
The trees are changing daily and I love watching their progress. The mutant winds this week? Not so much.
My kids went out to play this morning and came running back inside for their winter coats, hats, and gloves! I wasn't ready to unpack all of that!
It has been SO hot here in SouCal this summer, so last night's coolness was SUCH a delight to feel thru the open doors and windows!
I adore the fall. I like cooler weather. My thought is if you're cold you can put on a sweater. If you're hot, you're just hot.
I cannot get enough of fall! And it makes being in school feel more natural. When it's steaming hot out and I have to teach, it just doesn't seem right. :)
Ugh I would kill for autumn right now. It's so hot here still, but I do believe I felt a little "bite" in the air this morning, so there may be hope for us yet.
Autumn is lovely.. Hope you enjoy it!
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