October has officially turned into the month of Flash Backs! I'm not sure if I'm going to do it once a week or every day, but I'm totally pumped about it!
So here's where you come into play ... I want you to come up with questions about me ... and my childhood. Ask away. I'm going to conjure up the stories and post the pictures to go with them. I can't wait. So bring it ONNNNNNN. Ask away (with in reason of course) The more questions you ask, the more stories I'll share!

Hmmmm, did you have a favorite pet?
What about... "What was you wildest dream as a child that you actually tried to make come true?" any flying off roof tops or trying to ride the family dog like a horse? Or is that just me...
What was your favorite childhood sport? Basketball is what comes to mind when I think of you :)
What was your favorite Christmas present? How old were you when you learned Santa wasn't "real." Did you ever unwrap your presents and then wrap them back up so your mom wouldn't know?
If you could go back to any one age, what age would you pick?
I totally don't remember that super smurf
What was suppertime like? Did you have to clean your plate? Did you hide your vegetables under your knife? (Or was that just me?)...
Mystery Writing is Murder
How many times have you watched Mary Poppins? Hee, hee I bet you are a big fan of that movie :)
Hmmmm....I was hoping for more responses...
Well at least it's a start :D Can't wait to tell you all my stories!
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