Pronunciation: \ˈvast\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin vastus; akin to Old High German wuosti empty, desolate, Old Irish fás
Date: 1585
: very great in size, amount, degree, intensity, or especially in extent or range
synonyms see enormous
— vast·ly adverb
— vast·ness \ˈvas(t)-nəs\ noun
There is always the big great vast vessel!

Or a vast amount of time
(although I'm more likely to witness a vast vessel before that!)

A Vast Mountain

Vast Wilderness

Or a vast amount of time
(although I'm more likely to witness a vast vessel before that!)

A Vast Mountain

Vast Wilderness

I think at this point we can all agree that vast is a LARGE amount! Right?!?!
So when I had a Publishing House told me they were vastly interested in reading my work ... I about fell in love with them!
I'm off to make some last minute revisions. Wish me luck!!!
So when I had a Publishing House told me they were vastly interested in reading my work ... I about fell in love with them!
I'm off to make some last minute revisions. Wish me luck!!!
Oh good luck! I am vastly interested in hearing how that turns out. :)
Ooooooooo! I'm vastly happy for you!
This is vastly awesome and I'm so happy for you!!!!
Vastly good news!
I'm crossing my fingers for you....
Mystery Writing is Murder
It seems as though you have a vast amount of people hoping, pulling, & crossing fingers for you! If it helps, I'll even cross my eyes! Good luck MB!
Congratulations! That's wonderful!
Three cheers! When I see the term vast I always think of the ocean.
Congrats! I hope they offer you a vast amount of money for it. :)
OMG! Good luck and keep us updated!
WOW!! Good luck!! Please keep us posted, this is like the worst suspense EVER! xxx
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