I've noticed quite a bit of new people in my comments and as I have been busy reading Percy Jackson getting ready for the school year I haven't had much time to pop over to all of your blogs yet. SOooo I was hoping you'd all like to introduce yourself here in my comments!!!
So Hi ... Welcome ... Let's get to know each other a little better! Tell me all about yourself, your blog, how much you love me, your dreams, your aspirations...
Hi! I'm Po

Feel free to self promote!!! I'm all about it.
So come ... grab a name tag and introduce yourself already!!! I want to know EVERYTHING about you (in the most non-stalkerish way of course...)
(PS ... if I know you already ... introduce yourself to my other readers. Tell them how awesome YOUR blog is - because let's face it, your blogs are ALL super awesome!)
Hi, my name is Scott. I have a blog. I have a Facebook page. I'm a bit snarky at times. Okay, I'm a bit snarky a lot of times, just not always. I have off days every now and then. I follow both of Marybeth's blogs, and she's a 'friend' on Facebook.
I write . . . therefore I am! One day, hopefully soon, you'll see my books on the shelf at your local bookstore and just a click away on Amazon! : )
Hello, my name is Mesina and you already totally know me Marybeth. But for those of you who stalk Marybeth's blog (awesome blog isn't it?)and don't know me, or my blog, here's the gossip!
I run a little blog called ''And then there was me....'' (http://artisticallynuts.blogspot.com/) where I write all about different subjects that affect my life like Parenting, being a woman, those little insane moments that only I seem to have, you know everyday stuff. I also sometimes get hit with a muse of inspiration and write little stories or feelings that I put on the blog. So far, no complaints and I've got a few little groupies (ie, the people I've brainwashed).
But don't take my word for it, stop by and say a little hello! *creepy glare* Dooooo iiiiitttttt.......
Hi, Everyone! I'm Kristen! My blog is kristentorres-toro.blogspot.com.
I'm a writer who is currently on the path to publication. And by that, I mean that I'm building my platform, starting a new manuscript, and praying that an agent will fall in love with my current completed one. I'm addicted to Coca-Cola and sunshine. And I have a poodle. :0)
It's nice to meet all of you!
I'm Kiana....not a writer unless you count a few poems...but mostly a mommy, wife, me last of course....I don't write funny shit, I don't write witty stuff at my blog...it's just mostly about my life and it's probably boring but it's mine!
cool idea, marybeth!
i'm jeannie campbell, a licensed marriage and family therapist, wife, mom, Christ-followers.
You can find me at The Character Therapist and my writing blog, Where Romance Meets Therapy. Would love to see you there!
Hello! I'm Holly, a mommy to 2 ladies under 2 and a writer trying to find the time in my life to..well, write! I'm up until 2am and back at it by about 7am. I'll either become rich and famous or crawl into a ball and hide in my bed after a year of this type of living.....
I LOVE you blog and read every post--check me out!
Hi, my name is Julie but I'm mostly known as Foursons on my blog.
My blog is about my daily musings on life’s quirks and inconsistencies. Since the start of my blog I have learned to laugh at the sometimes irritating idiosyncrasies that happen in life and to put those idiosyncrasies on the internet- for family, friends, and random strangers to read about. Some of my past posts have discussed goals that I am trying to attain, goals I have failed at attaining, binging on cookies, unkempt neighbors, photography contest entries, cockroaches, mice, finding the perfect parking spot, and oh yeah...my kids and what an awesome job I do at parenting them. Really, just read 1 Not Me! Monday and you'll ask me to start offering classes so you can be as perfect of a parent as I am! Ahem.
You can find me at www.myfourboys.net. Stop on by, I totally feel validated with followers and comments. Call me crazy, lonely, weird, psycho...whatever. As long as you become a regular I don't care what you call me!
Wow, you do have some new commenters! Great idea Ms Poppins. :-)
I'm Jessie, my blog is BookingIt which you can get to by clicking on my name.
I like Coke too, but try not to drink it. I'm really not a funny person, but I'm one of those weird people who laugh at their own jokes. I find myself funny but I'm not like Marybeth, who cracks me up every time I read her posts.
I'm T. Anne, from White Platonic Dreams and I love Poppins! (BTW Poppins, they are selling gnome costumes for Halloween! Wow, how far has our favorite creature come? If only we should see such fame *sigh*)
Ok I tried to make it all about you but I . Just . Can't . Hold . Back on my own comments!
Scott...I'm not even sure if "a bit snarky" covers it! But that's why I follow you!!
Mesina... I don't know which I like better Your blog title "And then there was me" or your URL "artisticallynuts" OMG that is awesome (of course your blog is better than both!)
Kristen ... Nice to meet you :)Can't wait to get to know you a bit better and suffer from the woes of finding an agent together. .. sigh...
Kiana ... Nice to meat you!!! I checked out your blog and um...I found it quite entertaining so you can take the boring part out of there :)
Jeannie ... Love your blog ... and after all, who doesn't need a bit of therapy! (ok ... well at least I can relate. LOL)
Holly ... Nice to meet you and I love that you love me! When you get rich and famous feel free to give me a shout out. And now crawling in balls and hiding, if I can't do then neither can you. (But if you do feel free to invite me...sigh...)
Julie ... was it the mice that brought us together or the failed goals? Either way...love blog stalking each other! I will have to make a note to help validate you with more comments...LOL
Jessie ... I NEVER knew you went by Jessie. All this time and now I feel like we barely know each other. Sniff Sniff. And I love your blog, it is SUPER informative and always gets my juices flowing :)
T. Anne....seriously?!?! OMG I so need to make my youngest son a gnome for Halloween. Where can I find that costume!!!
Man, more blogs to follow! Yay!
I'm Elana. I write stuff. I have an ebook coming out in a week or so. I try to be funny, but mostly I'm not. I like all things grape-flavored.
Marybeth, you rock!
Hey there. I'm Hilary. I write and read a lot. Trying to get published is my biggest obsession, although I am certainly open to suggestions. Twilight flares up from time to time along with episodes of The Tudors and I Love Lucy. And let’s not forget the ever-present Jane Austen fix. Anyway, stop by my blog: www.hilaryheskett.blogspot.com
Hope to see you soon. Like ElanaJ, I also enjoy grape-flavored stuff, but not nearly as much as watermelon.
Hi, My name is Steve and after seeing your Blog and some of your past posts I just had to be a follower.
Of Course I love Mary Poppins as well!
I got into Blogging from my wife Kat at www.godsheart-heart2heart.blogspot.com and. She is my one true love and I have enjoyed meeting new and exciting people in the Blogging world. I try to Blog when I have the time as sometimes I am away from home for several weeks at a time. This make my wife extremely lonely.
So anyway, my Blog is http://godahavefaith.blogspot.com and hope you get a chance to stop by and say hi!
Hello, My name is Kat from Heart2Heart which is a blog dedicated for God's glory and purpose. I try and find ways to encourage and motivate people especially when they are at their lowest because having someone to lift you up when you're down does so much to get you through it and these days we can all use a little help.
I love Twilight and can't wait to read everything new that comes out. In November, my hubby will become what is known as a Twilight widower! Sorry Steve from Gotta Have Faith.
My blog is http://godsheart-heart2heart.blogspot.com
I would absolutely love to have anyone stop by and join my family.
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Hi, I'm Rayna, and I blog at www.coffeeringseverywhere.com
One kid in primary school, one in Nursery, full time job, aspirations of being a writer. Does that leave me time for anything else?
I blog about this and that - India, writing, parenting, development. And I adore Harry Potter, and fan-fiction is how i started writing.
Well I am a crazy Brit, I live in Cyprus. My author blog is my serious side and my coffee break blog is the other side of me. I share my poetry on...my poetry blog.
I live a stress free life in the vineyards of a Cypriot village, I write and enjoy visiting this blog :)
Hi, I'm Tara from Eye Feathers.I handicapped Tinkerbell and made her a Warrior. Now I'm trying to build a platform and sell my book. My blog follows this process.
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