I know we haven't always gotten along well. I have often taken advantage of the hours you have provide me with. Not sleeping when I should, some days sleeping too much. I apologize for this and ask of you a huge favor.
Could you PLEASE expand. I'm just asking for a few more hours each day... that's not much. I just can't seem to get everything done in the minimal 24 hours you have provided. I know I wrote a post (found here) earlier about how wonderful you are and how I shouldn't worry about how quickly you pass, but that seems easier said than done lately!
I'm not trying to be greedy here, but I just can't seem to find enough moments in a day to fit in blogging, reading, playing with my kids (this is in no particular order of importance...I swear) playing bejeweled blitz, eating, working, etc. And with all these activities it leaves very few hours left for sleeping and it's causing me to be a bit tired lately.
I'm not sure if you need to take my request to council or something, or maybe take a few days to think about this, but I'd really appreciate the effort. I hate to be blunt but I am seriously disappointed with the gift you have given me, there just isn't enough. I hope you don't find my ungrateful or inconsiderate. I do love every moment you provide me with. I just need more.
Your Friend and/or Potential Enemy
Hmm... I suggest a time turner, much like the one Hermoine had. Oh wait, they were all destroyed in the Department of Mysteries, right? :0)
Have a great long weekend, Marybeth!
my only request of father time would be to slow down during the toddler's nap time. but alas, he seems to speed up, i swear!
lovely letter, i hope he takes it into deep consideration.
Where Romance Meets Therapy
I ditto your request on the expansion of time. You don't think that will unravel the time continuum do you? My hair never does well in those circumstances.
Do you need a second signature for this petition? Cuz I'm all over that.
I would be more than happy to sign your time petition! I think we could all use it to slow down our weekends, holidays and day's off. We of course would also want it to speed up when we are at work. Could you add those to your petition?
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
I didn't see writing mentioned in your list! Now, Marybeth. I hope you're not giving up!! :)
ugg, I hear ya! We seem to be going through the same things lately:)
I've been praying for the ability to make better use of my time, but I just need more!
Ditto!!! Could you copy that letter, white out your name, and sign mine as well, because I sure would like a couple more hours each day. :)
Okay, I *keep* hearing about Bejeweled Blitz from friends and I will not succumb! Although it sounds really tempting...
Mystery Writing is Murder
What a perfectly wonderful letter. I'm with the others - I'd love to sign my name to the letter too - sure could use just a pinch more time each day.
Nancy, from Realms of Thought…
I'm signing the petition too. Definitely count me in.
LOL..great letter! Let us know if it works, and I will be copying you. Stat.
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