You may have noticed however that I was missing yesterday. All this writing has left my brain incapable of thinking of anything that does not directly include my story, thus I could not for the life of me come up with a blog topic yesterday.
Its ok.
Jody Hedlund wrote a great post today about building a platform and when you should start. I've been thinking about that a great deal lately. I've been so wrapped up in the blogging world and keeping my twitter going and trying to make my name known to anyone and everyone that I have thrown my writing into the back seat and it's just been sitting there quietly. (unlike my children while they are in the back seat!) I almost forgot what it felt like to write.
Now granted building a platform WILL help me in the long run, if I'm not writing and not progressing, what good is it going to do me.
I've noticed quite a few of my blogging friends only write 3 days a week. I am considering doing the same myself. I think I have just been afraid that if I stop writing everyone will forget me! At the same time I have noticed that I have been so busy plopping out blog posts about incredibly irrelevant crap that no one is really reading my posts anyway. That's not cool! I love m

So what do you think? Will you forget me if I move down to 3 days a week? Will you miss me?
I'd love to hear your thoughts.
Trust me, there's no way we'd forget you!!
I've slowly moved down to three posts per week, sometimes four. I think we all need to find the balance between all the things we love to do - blogging, writing, bejeweled blitz (ahem, ahem) - and the things we have to do like work, laundry, and everything.
So, write when you write, blog when you blog, and spend far less time playing Bejeweled Blitz! Ha.
I definitely won't forget you! Three days a week might be just what you need. Hopefully it'll give you more time to write!
We won't forget you!
I'm glad NaNo is going so well for you. Enjoy your writing!
Mystery Writing is Murder
Go for it! It's hard for me to keep up with reading blogs these days, but I can do better on friends who post 3 days vs. 5. Even then it's a challenge! I think you need to do what works best for your schedule and if you need to focus more on your writing, then that's the most important aspect anyway! Keep working on the platform little by little but make writing THE priority! :)
I'll miss you!!! But you gotta do what you gotta do!
(Though, in my opinion, sanity is overrated! ;) mwahahahaha!)
I am TOTALLY with you! I had the same fears when I started to 3 days per week vs. 5, but wow. It's helped my stress level greatly! And really, I get just as many if not more visitors than I did before, and give gives more days for people to comment on my posts. Usually they're up for a day, and rarely do people look through old posts. But most people can't look at blogs every day. So it gives more bang for your blog...
And you're so right! Writing is the most important! It's like God. If something gets in the way with time with him, no matter HOW noble the cause... it isn't worth it. God is bigger.
Blogging is great, but it defeats the purpose if we aren't writing
you do what you need to do for you, MB. i've cut back a lot of my main writing blog, but i always post t/th on the character therapist blog. i won't lie, readership has dropped, but i kept my "regulars." but life has just come at me hard....we're moving across country again and i'm about to start a full-time job for the first time in almost 2 years. for my sanity, something had to go.
good luck with your decision, whatever it ends up being!
The Character Therapist
Oh gosh no. You're unforgettable my dear;) I only post three ties a week M,W, F. If I post T, or Thurs, it's for a blog tour or a special reason. Join the M,W,F club, we'll be glad to have you, plus you can keep your sanity that way ;)
Oh Marybeth--your posts are NEVER boring!! No one will forget you. I've had to limit my blog reading to keep my writing #1 on my list. If you don't see comments from me all the time, don't assume it's you--it's me! I love your blog!
Congrats on your NaNo progress!
I'm considering the very same change! (I'm even contemplating going to 2 days a week) 5 days of blogging saps a lot of creative energy. But just know that we won't forget you, even if you cut back. Your posts are always entertaining and I love visiting. :)
We'd miss you, but dude. It's your writing. That's more important than your blog.
Honestly, you need to have a balance. I've considered cutting back to 2 days a week myself. When my boys were sick I barely read any other blogs. It was all I could do to post my 3 a week. It's a lot of work trying to have a family life, handle other responsibilities, and be able to write (blogs, novels, etc). Give yourself a break! :)
When I first started blogging, I wanted to post five times a week and read a hundred blogs every day. But I knew I needed to keep my writing a priority, and I didn't want to burn out. So I set a schedule of posting two days a week. It's worked out well, and I've been able to maintain it while I'm doing everything else. (I do visit the blogs I follow throughout the week.)
Those of us who read your blog will look forward to you posting whenever you can. Good luck with your decision.
I absolutely will not forget you! In fact, I sort of like when people just post three times a week. It lightens the load, if ya know what I'm sayin'.
Good job with the word count chica!
I think three times a week is a great idea. I wouldn't know who posts what day anyway, I just look at my dashboard thingy and click on it. LOL Whenever you post it'll show up there and then I'll be reading. :-) Congrats on the wordage!
You'll be missed but it completely understood! Do what you gotta do girl.
Congratulations on taking the write a novel in a month challenge! I haven't tried it myself because I'm so busy writing, but I thought I'd stop by and encourage another Michigan writer.
This is a really difficult question. So many factors go into it, like how much writing time you have in the first place, what inspires you, how you work best, etc.
There are a few things that have really helped me.
1. Set a goal of 20 minutes to write each post. Yes, I can bang it out in that time if I concentrate and if I have pondered it beforehand. I find that musing over a post while I cook or clean or go for a walk really helps me use less time in writing it -- I have already written it in my head.
2. Create isolated, designated times for writing posts, visiting other blogs, and writing other things. Set a time limit. Be deliberate. It really does help to separate these types of writing and to think about what time of day is best for each one.
3. Go small with your blog topics. Smaller word count. Smaller subject matter. Write about your coffee cup, your favorite shoes, what you had for breakfast. Believe it or not, readers love this -- they are reading your blog because they are getting to know a person.
4. Use your blog posts to help your other writing projects and to help you develop as a writer. Try new styles and techniques. Test them on the blog. Use the blog to break writer's block. Use it to warm up (but set the clock first and stop when you plan to) before working on your book.
5. Use Friday to quote a passage from a favorite author or magazine article and don't post on Saturday and Sunday (lower traffic days). People enjoy sharing what you enjoy. This gives you THREE blog-free days for other writing. Use them well. Get a sitter, if need be. Stay off the web completely for those three days. I sometimes take my laptop to a place where I can't get internet service. That really works to keep me focused.
I know my comment is way long here. I hope these ideas help you or someone else.
Wish you the best in this.
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