Granted I had only been writing for a couple months at that point and had a million other things going on that I didn't even bother to research it and see what it was.
But this year...I'm all about it. I have a book I have been procrastinating upon and I intend to finish this story by the end of the month. And it is SUCH A GOOD story!!
Now the trouble is going to be fitting it in between all the other daily chores of life. It is going to mean ignoring my family for at least one hour every day and it is going to take some major discipline to actually write while I am ignoring them instead of surfing the web.
It's also going to take me putting away my little self editor and just writing without care. Just getting the words down and the story put together. So much easier said than done!
Are you doing NaNoWriMo? Have you done it before? Any advice?
I'll be posting links to my website for updates on how my novel is coming along if anyone is interested!!!
Very cool, Marybeth! I'm so glad you're pushing yourself to write! I wish you all the best this month!
Yes, ignoring the fam is going to be a delight, I mean a horrible challenge. *clears throat*
Good luck with your writing and your wonderful story!!
Thanks Jody :)
T. Anne I would never be delighted to ignore the fam.... I'd also never eat a container of Raspberry Sorbet in one setting, read Harry Potter 4 times or wear a "Team Edward" shirt to the midnight showing of New Moon!
Thanks Jess ... I might even let you read it if you find yourself bored over the holidays :D
No NaNo for me, although I do hope to pound out a lot of words, get closer to finishing my WIP, which will probably be around 100,000 words pre-revision (which means probably 85,000 words after revision).
Best wishes during that hour of ignoring your family!
I've not done NaNoWriMo, but I do think it takes a lot of discipline to set aside the time and stick to writing. And you're brave to put updates on your website. I think you'll accomplish this goal. You go, girl!
Straight From Hel
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