Well it's the last day of May. How fast it flew by, almost faster than I hit the snooze button on a weekday, but not QUITE that fast. Overall it was a rather pleasant month. (Considering my favorite guy won American Idol and all)
In the lovely month of may I finished editing my book, started sending out queries, got one full Manuscript request, turned a year older, got some great birthday gifts, got MSG Poisoning and found the best treasure at Big Lots during our 'Great Deal' excursion, the Method Aroma Pill - Fresh Cut Grass Scented!!!

I also want to point out the top 5 blogs this month. (Because it makes me feel speshal!)
1. My Big News was a Big Hit! (I was pretty excited too!!!)
2. Phantastic Phriday Contest. YAY! (Although I still feel like not everyone participated! Did you? If not you better!!!)
3. Belated (and possibly my favorite) Birthday Present (hehehe)
4. Feeling Victorious (A big day for me...although I'm still waiting to hear back)
5. Oh No She Didn't! (Surprisingly my Memorial Day weekend was interesting???)
Big things to look out for in June are as follows...
* More updates to www.marybethsmith.com (Got some great content going up soon!)
* Hopefully more MS requests!
* The Last Day of School!!
* A Big Event on June 6th and 7th called Batten Awareness Day
I hope everyone has a Wonderful Sunday afternoon. Can't wait to see you all in June!
(By the way, don't forget to vote for me over on the side there for the Blogger's Choice Awards !!!)
(By the way, don't forget to vote for me over on the side there for the Blogger's Choice Awards !!!)